Recognize your strengths. Believe in your potential.
(973) 826-5968 or (973) 794-6565
I n d i v i d u a l T h e r a p y
The process of self-discovery
We all need help at times. Life can end up being different than we planned. You will have support as you explore your options. You can learn to understand yourself, and how to turn challenges into into opportunities.
F a m i l y T h e r a p y
There's always room to grow
There are all kinds of families and yours is unique. Almost any family can benefit from therapy. This can be in preparation for a transition, to enhance your relationships, or resolve conflicts. Often, adult children and parents find family therapy helpful as well.
D e v e l o p m e n t a l D i f f e r e n c e s
All in good time
Living with a developmental or intellectual disability, can make some things harder, and take longer, but learning is a lifetime activity. Practicing social interactions, adaptive behavior and life skills in real-time can make a big difference in confidence and independence.
ADHD and Oppositional Behavior
You and your child are a team.
Your child is struggling and you've tried it all. It's not your fault or theirs. Your son or daughter DOES want to follow the rules and something has interrupted the process. Children respond differently to parenting strategies based upon their learning styles. It is not "one size fits all." We can customize a plan that will lead to success for your child as an individual, and an improved relationship with your child.
Early Childhood
Starting off on the right track
Children ages 2-5 who are having trouble keeping up with social and behavioral expectations at home or in preschool might need direct, individual support. Some three-year-olds who age out of Early Intervention but don't qualify for special education may still have some need for help. These children do well with assistance in the "natural environment" which is their home or preschool. This way, skills they are learning are easily and immediately applied in the situations where they most need them. Very young children who are experiencing disruptions such as family or living situation changes can benefit from individual help. The focus is on acknowledging differences in simple terms and creating a sense of stability in their environment. It is important that adults involved in their lives participate in sessions. I can travel to local homes or preschools to meet little ones right where they are.